Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dog food anyone?

Over the last month we had a food drive, collecting in medicine and dog food varying from rice to Pedigree and then donating it to the dog pound in Pelawatte. For primary, we put a box in each classroom were the students, teachers and faculty could put what they brought in, and for secondary we put two boxes for every class. On those boxes we put a list with the different items they could bring in with the points you would earn, obviously, the more expensive items earned more points. A few of us collected the food from the boxes every week and brought it to Ms. Huijnen’s room who counted up the points. 
Primary is always a lot more enthusiastic about these things so we decided to have two different prizes for secondary and primary. Primary’s prize was a pizza party, paid for completely by D.A.W.G and secondary would get free tickets to the movie night we were organizing. In primary there was a very close competition between 5S and 4D, but 5S won by 12 points so we ordered pizza and drinks for them. In secondary 6.1 won so we gave them free tickets to the movie night. In total we collected in 176kg of rice, 125kg of dog food and some medicine which the manager of the dog pound came to collect, and in return is giving us collars for the sterilization which is coming up soon!

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