Saturday, August 27, 2011

D.A.W.G! - Promoting the Service.

On Wednesday 17th of August all the leaders had to 'promote' their individual service making it easier for the younger students to choose which one they wanted to join. There were tables set up for us and we hung up a poster from the front with some pictures and basic information about D.A.W.G. I also wrote a short paragraph explaining what the service does that they can take and read over in their own time. Here is the paragraph :

"You’ve probably seen all the dogs around the streets in and around Colombo, OSC decided they wanted to help them and set up DAWG. DAWG, unlike most CAS programmes works with dogs and cats instead of people, we raise money during majority of the year and using that money we finance a sterilization campaign. Here, dogs and cats are brought in and the vets that we paid for sterilize and vaccinate them. Last year, a reporter from Lanka Woman came to write an article about us in the magazine. To raise this money we organize various events from movie nights to selling things that we make, the DAWG T-Shirts for example. In the beginning of the year we also have a dog food drive, where each class brings in as much dog food as possible and the class with the most wins a pizza party. If you have creative ideas on what we can make or how to raise more money, or if you simply just want to help dogs and cats in and around Colombo, join DAWG and really make a difference to these animals!"
Here's a picture of most of the CAS leaders at the tables:

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